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“She Struck Oil”

She was in a bind; she was way behind; and she was will’in to make a deal. In 2 Kings 4:1-7 we meet an unnamed lady, who found herself in debt upon the death of her husband. The creditor had come to take her two sons as slaves, unless she could pay the bill.

She sought the prophet Elisha and informed him that she had  nothing in her house, but a small jar of olive oil. Elisha directed her to borrow as many empty vessels as possible from her neighbors, and do not gather a few. He said, “You and your sons shall pour from your little jar, into all of the borrowed containers, and set aside what is full.”

Imagine pouring gallons and gallons of oil from a Gerber baby food jar, until all the numerous larger empty vessels were full. It was a miracle of God. Elisha ordered her to sell the oil, pay the debt, and live on the rest.

Oil was used for anointing kings, lighting lamps and healing. Oil is symbolic of God the Holy Spirit, who indwells each and every-born again Christian. Folks, we were never meant to be containers, but channels that pour into all the lost people that cross our path. They are the empty vessels, and we have the endless supply of God’s Spirit to be dispensing daily. This is God’s plan. The more we give out, the more we get in.

If this lady had grain silos to fill, it would be no problem at all. The limit on this miracle was not on the Divine side, but on the human side. Envision all the empty people right here in Black Canyon City, desperate to know the real Jesus Christ, whether they realize it or not.

We’re the people filled with an endless supply of Jesus Christ, who have what empty people need. Will you be a container, or a channel of His saving grace?

Lord have mercy

Pastor Huck