Why Self-Discipline Matters
/in Calvary Corner /by Huck KusnerPlease excuse me? At the moment, self-discipline doesn’t matter at all; but it will, and it won’t be long before it does. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:27, “I discipline my body and bring it under subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should be disqualified.” This should get our attention. Living a life according to the actual leading of God the Holy Spirit is of utmost importance. If you really believe that our short stay on this planet is going to be eternally rewarded, then it will matter greatly to you. Determinations concerning our level of eternal rewards are being made as we walk by the Spirit, and not according to the flesh.
Our fallen flesh is wired to seek pleasure before anything requiring pain or discomfort. Some professing Christians avoid any form of discomfort like a plague. They just don’t feel like saying yes to God’s Holy Spirit. You know when most people are going to feel like it? When it’s too late. Following God’s leadership in my life always brings a sense of discomfort to my flesh. I don’t always feel like, going, doing or saying what God wants, but when the sands of time run out, I’ll be so glad I obeyed. Jesus said, “Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done” (Rev 22:12).
Many a man or woman have been disqualified from service by their lack of self-discipline. Eternal rewards that could have been theirs, have been passed on to another for the neglect of self-discipline.
1) Don’t neglect the consideration of your “check out date.” It’s on God’s calendar.
You’re going to pass away. Start using your God given time, talents and resources for
God’s glory immediately.
2) Honestly Identify your priorities and rearrange according to God’s will for your life.
3) Eliminate your temptations. It’s not always a demon’s fault.
Start Small but Start Somewhere
Pastor Huck
The Power of Blessings
/in Calvary Corner /by Huck KusnerA blessing is a divine act bestowed upon an individual or group of people, meant to invoke favor and protection. Blessings can be viewed as a bridge between the divine and the human. For example, Moses instructed Aaron and his sons to speak the Aaronic Blessing of Numbers 6:24-27 upon Israel declaring, “You shall invoke My name on Israel and I will bless them.”
All the blessings that Jacob spoke upon his sons in Genesis 49 played out over time. Esau cried an exceedingly bitter cry because his brother Jacob stole his blessing, and Isaac’s blessing could not be reversed. When Jesus began His Sermon on the Mount He pronounced blessings on the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek and merciful, etc. With these powerful examples in mind, I am impressed by our LORD to pronounce and invoke God’s blessings of His divine grace, peace and increase upon your lives at this time of new beginnings, and fresh starts (Exodus 12).
Therefore; may the LORD our God empower each of you to forgive every person who has ever injured, robbed or slandered you in your past, remembering that Jesus said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do (Luk 23:34).” As you release each person may God remove every spirit or soul which has been allowed to torment you (Mat 18:21-35).
May you be blessed exceedingly as you refrain from walking in the counsel of the wicked, standing in the path of the sinners, or sitting in the seat of scoffers. May your delight be in the Word of God as you meditate on it in 2025, day and night. Be like a tree firmly planted by the water, experiencing and displaying abundant fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). May your life flourish, not wither, and may you prosper in all you do.”
In Jesus’ Name
Pastor Huck
Changing the Calendar
/in Calvary Corner /by Huck KusnerBefore Common Era (BCE) and Common Era (CE) are alternatives describing the years BC, which represents the years before Christ, and AD which stands for Anno Domini. In its fullness, AD reads more like, “Anno Domini nostri Jesu Christi,” which translates, “in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Therefore, the year 2024 CE and 2024 AD each describe the same current year. Well big, fat, enormous deal. This Common Era nonsense is simply another attempt to eliminate Jesus Christ from our vernacular. There are always some intellectual knuckleheads afraid that Jesus may offend somebody. So what? He’s been offending people for a long time.
Jesus did not come to change the calendar. He came to change people. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re a mess. All have sinned and plenty of Christians have yet to die to self. That’s bad news. All of humanity should be terrified of hell, while a few non-believing eggheads are afraid we’re going to call this year, “2024 in the year of Our Lord.” Try as they may, they will never get rid of Jesus, and that’s the good news.
I remember the western musical called, “Paint Your Wagon,” when Lee Marvin sang, “God made the mountains. God made the sky. God made the people. God knows why.” Did you see that? A Hollywood movie giant declared that God made the people. God did make the people because He really loves the people, and He loves us enough to change us, not the calendar.
As another Christmas approaches, with all the decorations, parades, light displays, shopping, eggnog, tree lightings, parties and a fair amount of drunkenness on our highways, let’s make a special effort to include Christ in our homes as well as any family gatherings. I love how Pastor Al Cicolelo of Calvary Dayspring in Prescott Valley has his family gather to read the Christmas story together after a great Christmas dinner. The calendar of current events reveals, He cometh soon.
Keep Looking Up
Pastor Huck
Why Self-Discipline Matters
/in Calvary Corner /by Huck KusnerPlease excuse me? At the moment, self-discipline doesn’t matter at all; but it will, and it won’t be long before it does. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:27, “I discipline my body […]
The Power of Blessings
/in Calvary Corner /by Huck KusnerA blessing is a divine act bestowed upon an individual or group of people, meant to invoke favor and protection. Blessings can be viewed as a bridge between the divine […]
Changing the Calendar
/in Calvary Corner /by Huck KusnerBefore Common Era (BCE) and Common Era (CE) are alternatives describing the years BC, which represents the years before Christ, and AD which stands for Anno Domini. In its fullness, AD […]
That Most Expensive Tree
/in Calvary Corner /by Huck KusnerBlack Friday is regarded as the first day of the traditional Christmas shopping season, on which retailers offer special reduced prices and shoppers snap up some of the season’s best […]
Do Yourself a Favor
/in Calvary Corner /by Huck KusnerInside every one of us there is a contest going on for the right to dominate. Is it going to be Jesus Christ, or will it be me who rules […]